Education Review Office launches the 'Afa Framework to support Pacific Bilingual and Immersion Education (PBIE) in schools.

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Systemic support for Pacific Bilingual and Immersion Education (PBIE) strengthens efforts to revitalise Pacific languages in homes and communities.

The 'Afa Framework: Pacific Bilingual and Immersion Educations Indicators, is an Education Review Office document for schools with PBIE units. It provides seven indicators under Leadership Kafa Taha, 14 indicators under Curriculum Teaching and Learning Kafa Ua, four indicators under Parent, Whānau, and Community Kafa Tolu, and two Stewardship Lalanga (interweaving of the three kafa). Schools will trial the ‘Afa Framework and indicators over the next 12 months, with it being finalised in 2024.

'Afa Framework Title Page


Dr Rae Si'ilata, a trustee of the Centre for Pacific Languages, is one of the co-authors of the 'Afa Framework.  According to Dr Si'ilata, “If Pacific tamariki are in Pacific Bilingual and Immersion Education (PBIE) units, they have opportunity to become bilingual and biliterate across the curriculum, and to experience education and success as who they are. Their involvement in PBIE impacts the whole whānau, with parents also committing to heritage language revitalisation in their homes.” This work sits under Key Shift 1 in the Action Plan for Pacific Education focused on working reciprocally with diverse Pacific communities to respond to unmet needs, including growing and supporting Pacific bilingual and immersion education pathways.
Dr Rae Si'ilata
Dr Rae Si'ilata

What is the 'Afa Framework?

Using the underpinning metaphor of the ‘afa or kafa, this framework provides indicators of effective practice in Pacific Bilingual and Immersion Education (PBIE), developed to support the PBIE sector in schools. The indicators draw on research into high quality practice in PBIE.

Authors: Dr. Rae Siʻilata, Dr. Ro Parsons, and Violet Tuʻuga Stevenson (2023) for the Education Review Office

“If Pacific tamariki are in Pacific Bilingual and Immersion Education (PBIE) units, they have opportunity to become bilingual and biliterate across the curriculum, and to experience education and success as who they are. Their involvement in PBIE impacts the whole whānau, with parents also committing to heritage language revitalisation in their homes.”


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