Terms and Conditions


CPL collects data for the following purposes:
(1) to monitor individual student attendance and enrolment details across our courses so that we can inform our business services for sustainability and best practice; and (2) for funding purposes to report back to our funders and Education agencies generic student data required by the Ministry of Education, NZQA and the Ministry for Pacific Peoples. This information will be supplied to relevant Government Agencies as unidentifiable reports (i.e., they won’t receive any data with your name on it and won’t be able to recognise you from the information we provide).


Centre for Pacific Languages (CPL) observes the principles governing the release of personal information as set out in the Privacy Act 2020 ("the Act"). Personal information is defined in the Act as "information about an identifiable individual"; it may include, but is not limited to, information such as your name, age, image, postal and email addresses, telephone numbers, course of study, as well as information required by the Ministry of Education such as your current occupation, your last year of school and a few other questions. Additionally, so that CPL can offer the best courses for our students, we also ask you for your reasons for undertaking the course. This information is especially important as it’s this information that helps the Ministry for Pacific Peoples secure future funding from Treasury.

CPL's primary purpose in the collection and storage of your personal information as a student is to provide you with the programme of study for which you are enrolled, and to comply with various legislative reporting requirements under the Education Act 1989 and other legislation relating to maintenance of official records and accountability for public funding. CPL may also collect and use your personal information for other purposes related to your course of study including corresponding with you for academic and administrative matters and sending you information about CPL courses that may be of interest to you.

CPL support services team, management and IT administration systems mean that CPL will have access to your personal information. CPL's staff are required to sign confidentiality agreements and as such are only authorised to use or access personal information in order to deliver the functions and services that CPL have requested.

Personal information collected on this form and at other times during and relating to your enrolment at CPL may be disclosed to CPL academic and administrative staff where relevant to their duties, and to Government agencies or other authorities as permitted or required by law.

Government agencies that may be legally supplied with data collected from your enrolment include:

  • the Ministry of Education (they oversee all Education institutions in NZ)
  • the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (they oversee our organisation and our courses)
  • The Ministry for Pacific Peoples (our main Funder)

When required by law, CPL release information to government agencies such as the New Zealand Police, Department of Justice, Ministry of Social Development and the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). You have the right to request access to, and (if necessary) correction of, your personal information held by CPL.


By Submitting your enrolment, you agree to the following:

  • I have read and accept the Privacy Policy on this application form
  • I declare that the information provided by me on this form is true and correct
  • I agree to abide by all CPL guidelines outlined in the CPL Student Handbook.
  • I acknowledge that all CPL programmes will be subject to enrolment numbers and CPL has the right to cancel any courses prior to its planned start date if there are insufficient numbers to enrol
  • I acknowledge that CPL may refuse to permit or may cancel my enrolment on any of the grounds as set out in the CPL Student Handbook. This includes, but is not limited to, where there is a concerning criminal conviction; or a history of breaching CPL rules and guidelines; if I have been guilty of misconduct or a breach of discipline.
  • I further acknowledge that CPL may withdraw my enrolment from a course where I have not attended nor contacted CPL about, within the first two weeks.